When I talk with my friends and with their children (who are between 20 and 25 years old) about mutual feelings and premarital relationships, I always hear the same thing – it is impossible without sex. It’s amazing that not only young people think this way. Recently, telling a family psychotherapist (with 40 years of work experience) about a girl who, having absolute success with men did not enter into close relationships with anyone unexpectedly came across a dismissive “ist.” You need to have the best Male chastity guide for the same.

The power of hormones is so great that it is very difficult to cope with it. Let my son get mad, a caring mother will say. Oh well. Just why would she never agree to her son marrying that one who had turned up first for the administration of his lust?

Yes, very simply, because this girl (in most cases) does not meet any norms of elementary morality. You do not feel the caustic taste of hypocrisy here?

Those girls who believe that “this” is necessary for health or that the relationship must be accompanied by intimacy, even after suffering many sorrows and disappointments, remain in complete delusion and do not see the real reason for their failures in their personal lives.

At the reception comes a girl of 22 years. She was thrown by a young man (a Muslim who came to work) when she became pregnant. The girl complains to me that her beloved was not ready to become a father, because he did not know what a beautiful child she would be born to. But if he saw him, she thinks, he would come back and become an exemplary family man.

Checkout this link to see a guide for putting on a chastity device.

I do not know. One day, an ambassador from an eastern state came to me for a consultation, asking for advice on how to find the perfect girl for marriage. At the age of 47, he tried countless young and very beautiful Moscow girls, but he never met his fate, although by this time he really wanted to have children. I consulted him in the Christian tradition, but he kept saying about sensuality, about blissful sex, about the fact that he is very kind and good, but women cannot understand him even after a month of violent sex, there comes a cooling because of the depravity of a woman due to her excessive talkativeness or because of her indiscreet desires and requests to buy something for her, etc.

And when, after my attempts to explain something to him, I asked him – what is the most important thing that should be in the woman from whom he wanted to have children and with which he would have planned to live all his life? He invariably answered – looks that could awaken crazy sexual feelings, and that sex with her was the height of bliss to the end of his days. And after all, some Russian men of mature age with an immature psyche, the development of which is inhibited by fornication, are considered the same.Sometimes you want to shout. Hey! People, you are lost! From the word fornication, which means intimacy without marriage? You, probably, heard about such an outdated and little used word chastity.

So all the same about chastity

In dictionary it is written that chastity is the same as virginity.If this is so, then this is the trivial preservation of a certain physiology before marriage or the fulfillment of the law, which is somewhere written by someone, and the non-observance of which is not punishable by fine or prison.

So who needs such a law?

Such chastity is found in Islam, in which there are punishments provided for by the laws of Sharia (Islamic law developed on the basis of the Koran and the Hadith). For example, 100 lash for adultery for an unmarried woman or a man who is single.

What does chastity mean for Christians, for people brought up in the Orthodox tradition?

Chastity is the integrity of wisdom, the sacred meaning of which lies beyond the surface of today’s man in the street that has chosen his motto – God, give us what to eat and drink, and the Kingdom of Heaven will follow us.


Chastity is a person’s observance of a conscious self-prohibition of knowing, experiencing and accomplishing everything that can weaken or destroy the ability to resist and resist evil. At the heart of chastity is shame, thanks to which the human soul remains whole, as shame keeps it from falling into a state of depravity. Chaste are distinguished integrity, harmony, and purity. The main purpose of chastity is to protect the fragile soul of a person, to let it form. It is a kind of haze that harbors a young soul from so far unbearable trials, thanks to which human abilities can calmly and smoothly develop.